How are you feeling?
Pretty good, actually. I have not had any morning sickness or nausea. The biggest symptom I've had is just plain old being tired. I did go through a period very early on when I would be starving (which was always) and I would get very full very fast on not much food. Add a touch of constipation in there - yuck! (Sorry, I'm trying to keep this blog real.)
Any weird food cravings? (This question is for David)
Not really. I went through about a week's time period back around Thanksgiving when I ate a ton of bean burritos. Not sure if you would consider that an actual craving or not, but I sure was at Del Taco a lot!
More recently, I went through about 3 tubs of Trader Joe's hummus in about a week and a half. No help from Jeremy.
So, Jeremy is still waiting for the first time I send him out in the middle of the night for something crazy. I can't wait to see what it's going to be. I'll keep you posted when that happens.
(Sorry, David. No rich tea biscuits, pomegranate juice, chocolate yogurt, grapes, or Guinness!)
Is Jeremy excited?
Ummm, yeah!
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