Wednesday, January 28, 2009


There's only a couple more days left to vote on whether or not we should find out the gender of our little sprout. Then we will let you know our feelings on the subject and what we plan to do.

Thanks for all who have voted so far. We have been enjoying checking on the tally.

On another note, I have been very tired lately and haven't had too much news to add to the blog, so I've taken a little break. Don't worry though, I will be updating you soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Questions, questions, lots of questions…..

People have been asking lots of questions. Here’s a few of the more popular ones:

How are you feeling?
Pretty good, actually. I have not had any morning sickness or nausea. The biggest symptom I've had is just plain old being tired. I did go through a period very early on when I would be starving (which was always) and I would get very full very fast on not much food. Add a touch of constipation in there - yuck! (Sorry, I'm trying to keep this blog real.)

Any weird food cravings? (This question is for David)
Not really. I went through about a week's time period back around Thanksgiving when I ate a ton of bean burritos. Not sure if you would consider that an actual craving or not, but I sure was at Del Taco a lot!

More recently, I went through about 3 tubs of Trader Joe's hummus in about a week and a half. No help from Jeremy.

So, Jeremy is still waiting for the first time I send him out in the middle of the night for something crazy. I can't wait to see what it's going to be. I'll keep you posted when that happens.

(Sorry, David. No rich tea biscuits, pomegranate juice, chocolate yogurt, grapes, or Guinness!)

Is Jeremy excited?
Ummm, yeah!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Is Junior a boy or girl?

Should we find out early? Be sure to vote in the poll at the top of the page to your right.

We are undecided at this point.

Morning Sickness....what's that?

Now that I am safely out of the first trimester, I would like to report that I have had absolutely no feelings of nausea.

Based on some of postings from girls on pregnancy boards, I feel like I have been extremely lucky. I am so glad that I didn't have to take anti-nausea medicine or have to spend my time in the bathroom hanging out over the toilet.

I hope this means I am going to have an easy delivery!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here's my baby!

Friday, January 9th was Junior's second "photo session." The age according to this ultrasound puts baby at about 13 weeks. As of today, I think it's about 14 1/2 weeks.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ahhhh....maternity massage

Today I had my first maternity massage. Not much to say except, it was awesome. The place I went to was very nice and the therapist did a great job. It was very similar to a regular aromatherapy massage except I had to lay on my side with the support of a body pillow and she also wouldn't do any deep tissue massage. Worked for me.

I still miss my regular chiropractic visits to get the kinks out, but this was a nice change.

I'm hoping that this will be the first of a few more over the next 5 1/2 months.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We are pregnant!

Yes, we are pregnant! I'm a little late getting the blog started so this first post will be a quick recap to catch you up on things.

Here's the timeline so far:

11/6/08 I took my first pregnancy test which came up negative

11/9/08 Second test - big fat positive! And how quickly the positive came up too!

11/21/08 First appointment with doctor. Well, actually the nurse practitioner. It took probably an hour or so and we just talked - history, things to expect, prenatal vitamins, possible screenings and other diagnotics. Then, off for blood work.

11/25/08 First Ultrasound - It was so awesome to actually see the little one. I hadn't been having any of the normal symptoms so I was a little nervous that there really wasn't a baby inside me.

12/5/08 Next appointment - with the actual doctor. More talk plus an exam - yuck!

1/9/09 Sequential screening appointment. The purpose of this visit was to meet with a genetic counselor and have some measurements of the baby taken to determine the chances of some genetic disorders. This consisted of an ultrasound (yay!) and a blood draw. This was also the first time I heard the heartbeat. The best part about this appointment was that my parents were there and got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat.

1/12/09 Regular office visit. This was with the nurse practioner again. Pretty quick appointment but got to hear the heartbeat again. This was Jeremy's first time to hear it. She also measured my uterus.

1/15 and 1/16/09 Good news! Calls from my doctor's office and the genetic counselor. The results from the screening put me at a fairly low risk for the baby having Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18. There will be another blood draw for this at my next appointment for an even more accurate reading.

Well, I guess that about brings you up to date on the generals of my pregnancy. I'll post more soon that will fill in some of the details of how Jeremy and I have been spending our time to prepare for baby .