Thursday, June 9, 2011

Splash Park!

There's only one way to stay cool in Austin in the summer and that is to get wet!  Today Mom and I took the girls to a splash pad near Lady Bird Lake.  It's been almost a year since Caroline has been to one so I don't think she remembered what these were.  She went nuts and had a blast!  We even got to see a turtle crawl across the sidewalk.  I've never seen her run so fast as she did to get to him.  Thankfully Grandma got to her before she touched him.

Taking it all in when we first got there.

With Grandma

Hanging out in the shade with Stella

Just a little update....

Yes, it's been over three months since I've posted.  You're not going to even recognize Stella now.  At her four month appointment she weighed 15 pounds, 9 ounces.  She's still hanging out in the 90th percentile.  Her length is 25 inches which puts her in the 75th percentile.  She's such a healthy girl. 

She's rolling over from tummy to back.  She loves to make noises and smile.  She's such a happy little girl and has the best smile.  She's very skilled about putting anything that she can get her hand on into her mouth.  She loves her exersaucer and has gotten good at maneuvering around so she can play with all her toys.

Here we are recently at a bounce house place.

Caroline is just as busy as ever.  If I don't keep her busy, she finds a way to keep herself busy and that's not usually a good thing.  haha!  She still has a great fondness for Elmo, loves her sister and loves her "cheesey."  She could eat cheese sticks all day long and be happy.  She loves rocks, sticks and leaves.  Anytime we're outside she always comes back with a little collection.  She loves to run.  When we go to the park, she runs and runs and runs.

And there are lots of preparations underway for a big celebration at the end of the month!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Playing catch up

So, most all of my time and energy seems to be spent with Stella, I am so far behind on keeping things updated around here. Here's some pictures of her first few weeks.  Also, I should mention that I haven't been so good about taking pictures either.  Trying to work on that too.  :)

Here she is her first day home showing off at age "0"

Visiting with Grandma B

Big Sis showing Lil Sis how to use the baby gym

Trying the swing out (poor thing had a rash on her chin and around her mouth)

Monday, February 14, 2011

In the hospital and heading home

Here's some shots while we were in the hospital

Stella had lots of visitors....
Uncle Nathan and Fisher

Proud cousin, Hunter

 Our happy family

 Proud Grandpa B

Kisses from big sister!

All wired up for her hearing test.  She passed with flying colors!

Getting ready to go home

All strapped in, ready to go in the car
  In the car.  Such a serious face.  Drive safely, Daddy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Caroline's first haircut

During the first week that Stella was home, Jeremy and Caroline had a daddy-daughter outing.  He took her to get her first big girl hair cut and then to lunch.   I hated to miss her first time getting some beauty pampering, but I hear she did just fine.
Patiently waiting her turn.  Notice the really bad bangs?  Yeah, that was my attempt at trimming her hair.  Also the reason she had to go to the salon!
Outta my way - I'm here for a haircut!

A little lollipop worked magic in getting her to sit still!

 Almost done!

 Finished product!  She was so proud of her hair when she got home.  And, she must have forgotten about the bow in her hair because it was still in.  She hasn't kept a bow in her hair in a loooong time.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First bath at the hospital

First bath.  I don't think that's her laughing face!

Shampoo time!

Everyone looking on while Stella gets her first bath

All clean, dry, warm and ready to go meet up with mommy in the room.