Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A day in the life

Caroline's favorite activity this week - clapping!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

9 months!

Here we are again....Caroline is now 9 months old!  We had a busy day so no pictures yet, but here are the stats from today's doctor visit.
19 pounds, 12 oz (75th percentile)
29 inches (95th percentile) wow!
45 cm (head circumference)

This is from yesterday.  I let Caroline get a preview of her Easter basket.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pickles, anyone?

Yesterday I had the chance to run a few errands on my own while Caroline hung out with Jeremy.  It's amazing how quickly I can get things done when it's just me!  After my awesomely efficient Costco run, I came home with everything on my list, opened the door and heard, "Uh oh, we're busted."  I'm thinking, "Oh great, what is going on?" 
Well, this is what was going on:

In case you can't tell, that's a sweet pickle slice.  She played with it for awhile and when we finally took it away from her, she was very upset. 

We've been a little more adventurous in the foods we're giving her and she's trying all of them like a champ. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just a little tidbit

Last week I received an email from some baby place (I get so many of these emails they all run together) and the subject was "Your Baby is 37 weeks old). So, since Caroline was born when I was 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant, she has now been out in this world as long as she was in my tummy.

It's hard to even compare those two completely different times in my life, they've been the best times in my life. I am so thankful everyday for Caroline - as difficult as it is sometimes, she really is the joy of my life. Every day is a new adventure that brings so many smiles and laughs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We have a plethora of green hats hanging around, so I couldn't resist torturing Caroline.  She loved it when I put the hats on me, but was less than thrilled when I put them on her.

Sure wasn't expecting that!

It's been almost two weeks since Jeremy rubbed his finger along Caroline's lower gum line and felt the sharp edges of a tooth.  This happened on our first day in Maui - March 5th (more on Maui later).  We've been so focused on that lower tooth finally breaking through that we failed to notice that she has an upper one that has poked much farther through her gums!  I discovered this yesterday afternoon while I was changing her diaper.  She happened to have her mouth opened just right and I saw a flash of white.  I can't believe that we hadn't noticed this other tooth, although Caroline doesn't really allow us to mess around with her mouth much.  So I guess it shouldn't surprise me that this went by unnoticed.  It's a little strange though, because typically the lower centrals come in before the uppers.  Even stranger is that this tooth appears to not even be a central tooth - it's just a little too much off center, I think. 

Caroline willing, I will try to get some pictures of her new teeth.  She has been putting them to good use.  As we were shopping through Whole Foods earlier this week, they had bread samples out and I knew it was almost her snack.  So, to ward off any premature hunger I decided to give her some bits of the bread.  She loved it and did a great job getting it down.  Actually, this seems to be normal for her - she loves everything and always manages to get it down.  Even stuff that she appears to hate (making sour puss faces and shuddering), she still eats and goes back for more.