Yesterday we took a little outing to see some tidepools. We went to the same beach where we had some pictures taken back in November. Remember
these pictures? The beach had been completely transformed by all the storms and high surf we've had in the last couple of months. It was so strange because there was huge boulders where the sand had been when we were here last. The tidewater docent said that this is common - the beach usually changes during the winter and the good, sandy beach will be back soon. These new rocks made for some treacherous travel to get to the tidepools, but it was so worth it. And just to give you was the day before Valentine's Day with temperatures in the 70's and sunny. What a great day. We had to be very careful because even though it was low tide, there were some pretty big swells that would occasionally come in. I think this was the first time for me to visit tidepools (at least that I can remember) and definitely Caroline's first time.
Jeremy was making me a little nervous. Waves were coming up over those rocks occasionally.
Sea anenome - these were gorgeous. Notice the bubble floating by.
They were everywhere and easy to find.
Here's one with a shell
Sea Star
Here's a big pelican with a bunch of gulls. I missed a perfect shot of the pelican spreading his wings out.
This is the spot where we had our family picture taken. Do you recognize it?
For reference
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