Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

We had a very busy Father's Day and I had forgotten that we had taken a few pictures.
Sunday morning we went to mass with my mom who was in town over the weekend.  We came home and cooked a Father's Day lunch of ribs, potatoes and salad.  My mom and I worked in the yard for a bit until it was time for me to drive her back to South Carolina.  That's when the trouble hit.  To make a long story short, keys were lost, locks were jammed, and we left for SC about 2 hours later than I had planned.  So much for Jeremy's relaxing Father's Day.

Jeremy - I hope you enjoyed your day.  You deserved it.  Thanks for being such a great father to Caroline!

Before all the craziness, we took a few pictures in our backyard.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you Caroline and Mommy for a great Father's Day!

    I Love You!
