Sunday, December 12, 2010

We're not in California anymore

Today it snowed.  Lots and lots of blowing white stuff.  It didn't stick, wasn't icy, but man it was cold and windy today.  I didn't realize it was going to be so cold today otherwise I would have done my shopping yesterday.  Instead, yesterday I stayed home all day curled up on the couch and taking some nice long naps.  If I had only known, I would have done all my running around yesterday. 

Caroline stayed home and got to watch all the swirling snow from the warm comforts of the living room. 

If you look really closely you can see the huge snowflakes.
 Tomorrow we will most likely be at home all day as the high temperatures aren't supposed to get out of the 20's.  To top it off, I hear from all my west coast friends that it's in the 80's in southern California today.  Makes me miss it that much more.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


We met up with a friend yesterday at KangaZoom which is an awesome place to get the little ones moving and worn out, especially when the weather isn't so great.  It's full of inflatable jumpers and slides.  This was Caroline's first experience with bouncy houses and I wasn't sure how she would do, but she loved it.  I managed to snap a few pictures of her.  By the way, this wore me out too, it's not easy chasing a kid through the bounce houses and up slides when you're 32 weeks pregnant!
She was just getting the hang of it.

Lovin' it!

And off she goes!

She made it all the way up, with me behind her.  Then she slid down all by herself!
Once I got up there, I had second thoughts about sliding down, but I figured it would be much easier to just slide than to try to tackle that "ladder" again.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Santa Visit

Here's a sneak peak of Caroline visiting with Santa yesterday.
Caroline did a great job and *almost* enjoyed visiting with Santa.  After seeing a bunch of screaming and crying kids sitting on Santa's lap, I was really proud of her.  :)

Waiting patiently in line

You can't see it very well, but there is a nutcracker on the other side of this little wall.  Caroline thought he was hilarious and laughed hysterically at him.  Of course all the other people were cracking up over her reaction.  She's such a hoot!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

32 Weeks!

This is kind of a big week for me. In my first pregnancy I was taken out of work and put on bed rest at 32 1/2 weeks.  So far, things are looking like this isn't going to be an issue for me this time.  I have my fingers crossed anyways.

The three of us took a tour of the hospital on Saturday.  I'll be delivering at Northside Hospital.  Everything looked good and I have several friends who have delivered there and they all have good things to say about it.  The crazy thing about Northside is that it delivers more than 18,000 babies a year, more than any other hospital in the country.  I think the tour guide said there are 72 labor and delivery rooms.  I guess they know what they're doing! 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa's watching you!

Seems a little early, but Caroline got an encouraging message from Santa.  Click here to see what he said.