Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just some quick pictures

We've been staying busy and I really haven't taken too many pictures lately, but I thought I would share a few.
Here's Caroline playing with her Whoozit

We set up her high chair the other night just to try it out. She wasn't too sure about it, but she got the hang of it.

No, we aren't feeding her in there yet. Her doctor has recommended that we wait until she's about 6 months until she starts eating solids. This will just be another seat for her to sit in while Jeremy and I eat dinner. She's been sitting in her BeBe Pod chair with us for awhile now. We're trying to start "family dinners" early. This is an older picture that you've already seen, but it gives you the idea.

This one is from last night. This is how Caroline looked when we arrived home last night. She had all her favorite things with her and was obviously so content that she was sleeping peacefully in the car. Her favorite things (besides me, of course!) are her Frog Guy, Sophie la girafe, and any of her burp cloths.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics!! Addison loves holding onto her burp cloths too...lol.
